
What Is Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste?

Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste

How well do you know your toothpaste’s ingredients? There are several varieties of toothpaste, each with its unique blend of chemicals for combating cavities and gum disease. Such as fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay by neutralizing the acids produced by plaque bacteria. But what about hydroxyapatite? You can find this mineral in your teeth and bones. At the same time, Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste may not be present in all toothpaste brands. It has a major role in maintaining healthy teeth. Find out what this mineral is and why it’s so important.

What’s hydroxyapatite?

Dr. Jonathan B. Levine is the chief dental officer of Lenny Kravitz’s oral health company Twice. He explains that hydroxyapatite (HAp) is the key element of tooth health and is among the most researched bio-element in the health and dental fields. “It’s the primary mineral component of bones and teeth, accounting for more than 90 percent of enamel’s base.” As the most rigid tissue in the body, tooth enamel is crucial to good oral and general health. It protects the inner parts of the teeth against germs. It also prevents tooth decay, which can cause cavities, infections, gum disease, and tooth loss.


NASA pioneered medical uses of hydroxyapatite in the 1970s to replace minerals lost by astronauts in space. Sangi Co. Ltd., a Japanese firm, obtained a NASA patent in 1974 for dental applications of hydroxyapatite in 1980. They developed the first nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste. In 1990, they received a patent for the component itself.

Levine argues HAp is safer because it doesn’t have the fluoride controversy. “He also added, that in micro or nanoparticle size, HAp helps to establish a protective coating on the tooth and root surface.” The tubules in the enamel are filled with hydroxyapatite through a process termed remineralization. Levine claims that hydroxyapatite “had better efficiency than fluoride” in remineralizing. It is evidenced in a number of studies.

Hydroxyapatite is a viable alternative to fluoride. It is also compatible with fluoride and is therefore included in some toothpaste formulations. Tend’s chief dental officer, Dr. Chris Salierno, explains that hydroxyapatite and fluoride both are elements that help to restore decayed teeth.

Hydroxyapatite Benefits for Tooth Enamel

Enamel: a definition and explanation. How and why should you keep it safe? The outermost covering of teeth is called enamel. Hydroxyapatite is one of the minerals found in abundance in bone, making it the body’s rigid component. Taking care of this area of your teeth will do wonders for your oral health. Sugary and acidic foods and drinks should be avoided. It’s essential to be careful when brushing your teeth. As doing so too vigorously or too roughly might cause damage. Lucky for you, saliva acts as a natural barrier to safeguard your tooth enamel. Saliva aids in remineralization, which is constantly repairing and maintaining tooth enamel.

Toothpaste containing active hydroxyapatite can help restore and remineralize enamel, too. Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (nHA) or zinc combinations are found in some toothpaste and mouthwashes (Zn-HA). It has been found that HA/nHA can reduce mineral damage and tooth loss by acting as a protective barrier on the enamel. Let’s discuss its benefits in detail:

It helps to prevent and treat tooth decay.

Compared to fluoride toothpaste, HAp is more effective at remineralizing tooth enamel. It’s more effective than store-bought fluoridated toothpaste at boosting enamel’s microhardness and halting erosion. In a December 2019 study, 10% hydroxyapatite prevented and reversed tooth decay in youngsters as well as amine fluoride toothpaste.

A Japanese study found that HAp effectively reduced decay lesions on teeth and promoted enamel remineralization. For optimal enamel restoration, the scientists claim, toothpaste should include a high concentration of hydroxyapatite. A study published in 2019 indicated that hydroxyapatite toothpaste produced a more durable covering on teeth than fluoride toothpaste. As a result, enamel became more resilient to damage. And hydroxyapatite toothpaste will never lead to fluorosis as fluoride toothpaste does.

Biocompatible and non-toxic.

The fact that fluoride is neurotoxic in large amounts is one of the major downsides of fluoride toothpaste. According to the CDC, the vast majority of children use far too much toothpaste. It is a major issue with toothpaste that contains hundreds of times more fluoride than water. But HAp has no such problems.Biomimetic particles like hydroxyapatite act like substances already found in the body. The likelihood of an adverse reaction is extremely low.

Nano-sized hydroxyapatite is used in the production of several HAp toothpaste. Synthetic production is required for this minuscule particle as it does not occur in nature. None of these synthetic particles are less biomimetic or poisonous, though. (More information about HAp types is provided below.)

It might make your teeth look whiter.

Even though hydroxyapatite toothpaste doesn’t include any whitening agents, it still improves the appearance of your teeth. As I’ve mentioned before, toothpaste is primarily intended as dental polish. Meaning it’s not necessary for the dispersal of germs on your teeth (the goal of brushing teeth) but rather designed to shine teeth. Additionally, it can be utilized to help in remineralization.

The whitening effect is enhanced, which is one of the advantages. HAp does not alter the “polishing” effect of toothpaste. But it does gain a whitening component not found in regular toothpaste. Whiter teeth are the result of HAp because it “fills in” the enamel with healthy tooth structure.

It improves oral microbiota.

Teeth will be protected against bacterial “acid attacks” when you use HAp toothpaste. Yet your oral flora will be unharmed. As a bactericide, fluoride has a natural tendency to eliminate oral microorganisms. Many items marketed as “oral care” have the mistaken belief that killing bacteria will make your mouth healthier. That’s not the case.

It’s crucial to maintain a healthy oral microbiome full of beneficial bacteria. Chlorhexidine, alcohol, and triclosan temporarily reduce bacterial overgrowth but cause greater difficulties over time.Particles of hydroxyapatite in toothpaste are as effective as antibacterial chemicals in preventing germs from sticking to tooth enamel, but they don’t kill the bacteria.

Bacteria “poop” out high-carbohydrate meal particles in your mouth, causing “acid attacks.” The erosion of teeth is a result of these assaults. It not only protects your teeth from acid attacks, but it also won’t kill off the beneficial bacteria in your mouth.

It resists acidic pH.

Plaque and gingivitis can be prevented if the mouth’s pH is kept slightly alkaline. HAp toothpaste strengthens teeth against acidic pH, which dissolves enamel faster.

It may help gums.

Preliminary research suggests that HAp toothpaste can help to restore gum health in people who already have gum disease. The most notable outcomes were reduced plaque, reduced gum bleeding, and reduced pocket depth.

How Does Hydroxyapatite Improve Teeth?

The enamel on your teeth needs to be strong and healthy for your teeth to be healthy. The demineralization of dental enamel can be stopped and even reversed with the use of hydroxyapatite. That can cut down on the following:

  • Sensitivity of teeth
  • Causes of bad breath
  • Periodontal disease
  • Plaque

Get some hydroxyapatite toothpaste from the dentist the next time you visit. Your dentist may suggest using remineralizing toothpaste if you’ve had tooth sensitivity. Your dental health will improve, and the enamel on your teeth will be strengthened. Toothpaste hydroxyapatite is a synthetic imitation of the natural mineral. There are many advantages to using it:

The Disposal of Food Waste

Just like regular toothpaste, using a toothbrush to remove food and bacteria from your mouth is a physical act.

Containing antibacterial agents

Bacteria cause tooth decay. When you don’t use a toothbrush after meals, acid breaks down food and drink residue in your mouth and dissolves tooth enamel.

The toothpaste can protect your teeth from bacteria. On the other hand, it makes them more resistant to plaque, according to an in vitro study from 2017. To prevent bacteria from entering your teeth, toothpaste fills the microscopic fractures or cracks that form during demineralization.

Sensitivity reduction

Because it helps thicken enamel, hydroxyapatite toothpaste may reduce tooth sensitivity in sensitive teeth.

Does hydroxyapatite toothpaste help rebuild tooth enamel?

In 2013, researchers discovered that dental enamel is one of the hardest tissues in the human body, if not the hardest. However, it is not entirely safe. These can gradually damage enamel:

  • Age 
  • Eating
  • Accidents
  • Other processes

You can never get your enamel back once it has been lost. However, remineralization can restore strength to the surviving enamel by increasing its mineral concentration. The use of hydroxyapatite-containing toothpaste does seem to aid in remineralizing tooth enamel. Hydroxyapatite is absorbed by your teeth and used in their repair process. This could help high-risk cavity sufferers remineralize without fluoride.

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste has adverse effects

Someone may occasionally have an allergic reaction, but this is quite unlikely. However, to this day, there is no proof that using toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite will have any adverse side effects. A 2019 study from a reputable source found that using hydroxyapatite toothpaste did not increase the risk of tooth decay or mouth irritation.


You might try using hydroxyapatite toothpaste if you’re interested in an alternative method of maintaining your teeth’s health and vitality. You might also use something like mouthwash that contains hydroxyapatite as an alternative.

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